Online Classes

Online Qigong Hua Gong Classes on Zoom

(all my in person classes are suspended at the moment)

Here below is my online schedule for the week 11-14Feb.

Tue 11Feb 2-3pm London
Tue 11Feb 7-8pm London
Wed 12Feb 10.30-11.30am London
Thu 13Feb 4.30-5.30pm London (in Italian)
Thu 13Feb 7-8pm London
Fri 14Feb 10.30-11.30am London

Zoom is similar to Skype, but you don’t need an account.

Each qigong group session on Zoom is one hour long. The first one is free, then £10 each. (Small groups – generally 2-10 students.)

I also have a special scheme: by paying £40 in advance you can get 5 sessions (to be taken at any time during the next 3 months.)

One to one sessions are also available at other times upon request..

If you like to attend any session(s) please contact me and I’ll send you the link(s). And if you like, I could put you on my mailing list to receive my weekly schedule with the links for future weeks.

If you don’t have Zoom already installed, when you click on any of the links you will be asked to download and install Zoom (it’ll only take a couple of minutes) otherwise you’ll be connected straightaway.

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